Monday 9 February 2015


Everything is Vibration and Energy. So, any kind of communication between living creatures is simply energy exchange –exchange of Vibrations, to be exact. Thought is vibration, and so is Sound; and what we call "speech" is just the Thought dropping in frequency, converting to sound waves and sending them to the other person, whose Energy System then decodes the wave and "understands" what the speaker had in their head as a "thought".

And, of all the many ways we can communicate (i.e.: exchange energy) with another Independent Living Energy System, Sexual intercourse is the most powerful one. While, in the former example, it is only part of a person's Mind that you temporarily take on your Energy System (i.e.: they "give you a piece of their Mind" quite literally, when they tell you something), with Sex you, quite literally, absorb part of the other person's Soul! And, if the sexual relationship is a long-term one, you will find yourself "becoming" like that person more & more. Both people's DNA templates, Auras, Minds, personalities, etc, start to intertwine and each takes on part of the others' Soul. And it is very difficult to shake off, even years after you stop seeing this person.

This is little known in the (much more than) abysmally backward West, so people (including your's truly, in days gone by!) often give little thought when selecting a sexual partner. We look at superficial traits like physical appearance and surface "niceness", and not anything deeper than that. Some semi-Wise Ones may even go to the "trouble" of working out some kind of Astrological compatibility thing out (synastry) and, if they get at least a B+ in that department, then they think it's passable since it's "so 'hard' to meet a good person these days", right??

But, in the long term, we invariably wake up one day, only to find we have lost our former selves (and 1,000s of hours doing the "boyfriend-girlfriend" crap!), because we mixed our Soul Energies with the wrong person/people for too long, and lament the fact that they haven't released those rumored Tesla Time Machines for mass consumption yet!!

Make no mistake about it: choosing the right long term sex partner is as important (and perhaps even more so) as choosing the right career, etc. It is truly that serious. You're much, much better off being a "single loser" (why is the person a "loser" anyway, if it is a conscious choice?) for 5 years until you find the fitting Vibratory match, rather than capitulate to the Retard Society's stigma against consenting single people. Because, even though you may not think so at the moment, the fact is: there is a Vibrational match out there for you! You just need the right amount of patience and preparation. You're better off working on yourself if you're not in a relationship right now, and not think about it too much. Just work on being the best "you" you can possibly be. And, then, improve some more! And some more after that! After that, maybe, just maybe you can start worrying about this nebulous thing we call "meaningful relationships"...

Thing is, if you haven't found wholeness within yourself by doing deep soul work, a "partner" will not be able to fill the void. They just will not, sorry to be the one to tell you. And, if you rush into it too soon, it will just be something that will take time/energy away from other things you should be doing. Things that will actually produce meaningful, lasting results for you and, in the future, for the rest of the world too. When you put a lot of work into your Spiritual development, you will eventually reach the point where you will be "called" to help others, and may even be in a big way. How many poor souls in our scene have been led astray, because of this silly idea that "I need to have 'serious relationship' (you mean as opposed to a funny one??) by a certain age, so I can please my father, mother, friends, my priest, rabbi, and everyone else"?? 

How many 1,000s upon 1,000s of people (whose Soul Contract, before incarnating on this Idiocy yet AGAIN, had them lined up to do great things for the world) have completely lost track of their original Life Missions in a particular lifetime because of "white picket fence and 2.5 kids"...and then had to get a "reset" and be reinserted into the Matrix 50 years later? Seriously, what a waste of a lifetime, focusing on "human", Lower Chakra, Emotional Love (instead of the Divine Love of Higher Self that would make you choose your Life Mission over a 'relationship'). I don't want to say it, but I fear it must be in the millions over the past few generations, and not just 1,000s! Well, I know that I, for one, have narrowly avoided this pitfall in this lifetime, at least; and, having seen a little glimmer of the light, I try to point it out to my buddies around the world that usually "get” where I'm coming from...

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